Indoor Air Quality
The air quality of classrooms, laboratories and other campus buildings is assessed by the Environmental & Occupational Health (EOH) program. As a part of the EOH program, they evaluate mold; conduct air monitoring to evaluate chemical exposure health risks; and evaluate engineering controls for proper ventilation design and performance.
Evaluation & Complaints
Evaluation of building-related air quality complaints requires the cooperation of Facilities Planning & Management staff and Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH). Following the initial complaint,
- EOH will interview the occupants to determine if the symptoms are potentially related to air quality.
- When such a potential exists, EOH will conduct an IAQ investigation with appropriate FP&M staff.
- Complaints received by FP&M involving specific symptoms, should be forwarded directly to EOH for collaboration once all building systems have been determined to be functioning as designed.
- Other Environment Health and Safety (EH&S) staff, custodial and maintenance staff, and building managers who identify IAQ problems or risks should contact EOH for consultation.
Outdoor Air Quality
To ensure outdoor air quality standards are being met, multiple air permits have been issued by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) that cover operations on the UW–Madison campus and at off-campus research facilities. Air quality data, public involvement opportunities, and permitting information is available on the WDNR Air Quality website.
The installation and operation of stationary air emission sources that are subject to state and federal regulations are tracked by EH&S. A subset of these emission units has been identified for coverage under a campus-wide Air Pollution Control Operation Permit. EH&S also manages the requirements of the type A Registration Operation Permit that has been authorized for the Wisconsin Crop Innovation Center. These permits cover the operations of incinerators, a crematory, meat smokehouses, boilers, emergency generators, and ethylene oxide sterilizers. EH&S demonstrates compliance with air emission regulations by:
- Tracking equipment operations and maintenance to ensure appropriate procedures are followed and established pollution limitations are not exceeded.
- Facilitating emissions testing on equipment when needed.
- Guaranteeing the proper training of emission source operators.
- Completing periodic reporting to WDNR of the actions taken that demonstrate air quality standards are being met.
- Making sure that all the contributing activities on campus have been considered for air pollution control and permitting.
Air emission sources associated with the Charter Street and Walnut Street Heating and Cooling Plants are covered under separate individual air pollution control operation permits. These air permits are not managed by EH&S but by the Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA). Related inquiries therefor should be directed to the DOA-DFD Architecture & Engineering Bureau, Engineering & Technical Support Section.