Stormwater runoff from campus is one of the primary focal points for water management undertaken by EH&S. In an effort to improve the water quality of this runoff to the surrounding waterways, UW–Madison is a co-permittee of the Madison-area Group WPDES Municipal Storm Water Discharge Permit. This permit sets stormwater management goals and permit requirements. Activities taken to achieve these include:
- Stormwater illicit discharge and elimination program implementation,
- The installation of stormwater best management practices,
- Instituting policies and procedures to protect water quality from snow and ice melt, fertilizers, and pesticide use on UW–Madison controlled properties.
UW–Madison also strives to meet our goals and requirements through the participation in various local partnerships. As a member of the Madison Area Municipal Stormwater Partnership (MAMSWaP), we are a part of a group of municipalities from across Dane County that strives to both reduce the amount and improve the quality of stormwater runoff. The pooled resources of its members allows this group to conduct more effective efforts in research as well as public information education and outreach.
UW–Madison is also a participant in the Yahara Watershed Improvement Network (WINS) which is an initiative to reduce phosphorus in the Yahara Watershed. Though a watershed adaptive management strategy, the project works to achieve clean water goals and stringent water quality standards.
Drinking Water & Water Quality
Environmental and Occupational Health assesses and monitors drinking water, swim and recreational areas, and other water sources at UW-Madison.
- Contact the facility manager for questions and concerns about drinking water quality.
- Make direct requests for plumbing services with Physical Plant Customer Service.
- Facility managers and physical plant staff will engage EOH for health concerns.
- UW–Madison Salt Use Policy
- UW–Madison Pesticide Use and Policy Information
- Fact sheet for Blue-green algae: CDC Cyanobacteria FAQs
- Fact sheet for Legionella: CDC references and fact sheet
Lake Mendota