Application for Possession and Use of Radionuclides (Form 99) Application for Possession and Use of Radionuclides (Form 99) Application for Possession and Use of Radionuclides (Form 99) Complete all applicable items and sign application on page 5. Contact a Health Physicist from UW Radiation Safety (265-5000) for assistance completing this application. Applicant Name:* First Last College/Department/Division:* Office Room:* Campus address:* Office Phone:Email:* 2. RadionuclidesComplete table for each radionuclide. Generic descriptions are acceptable. (i.e. amino acids, sugars, etc.)* Physical Form: solid, liquid, gas, foil, or sealed source ** Order Limit: the maximum activity needed per order (vial, kit, etc.) ***Possession Limit: the maximum activity on the lab's inventory at any time.Radionuclidechem formsphysical formOrder Limit(mCi)Possession Limit (mCi) * Physical Form: solid, liquid, gas, foil, or sealed source ** Order Limit: the maximum activity needed per order (vial, kit, etc.) ***Possession Limit: the maximum activity on the lab's inventory at any time.Please complete a Protocol Summary Form to describe briefly your intended use for each radionuclide requested. 3. Protocol SummaryIf the reviewers need to maintain strict confidentiality regarding personal information, safety and security, and/or may reveal proprietary information, or if your protocol is subjected to non-disclosure obligations, please check the boxes below as applicable. I would like to request to review my study protocol in the closed session I would like to attend the Campus Radiation Safety Committee (CRSC) meeting when my protocol is reviewed and discussed 4. Source of RadionuclidesCheck each source you may use for obtaining radionuclides* CORD UW Cyclotron UW Hospital Radiopharmacy UW Reactor Other(Specify) 5. UsesBesides bench top research, radionuclides will also be:* Used in vertebrate animals (in addition, complete & submit Form 99A). Used in a class N/A Course number:* Attach Radiation Safety Training Outline*Max. file size: 24 MB.6. Rooms where radioactive materials will be used or stored (including waste).Where will radioactive materials be used or stored. Where will counting take place:RoomBuildingUseCountingWasteStorage 7. TrainingPersonnel working with radionuclides (including survey and waste personnel) in your radiation labs must attend ORS training class, and take the annual refresher course.Additional training and instructions need to be given to your radiation workers (i.e. iodinators, shippers/transporters, etc.) and workers that are occasionally exposed to radiation in your lab (i.e. dishwashers, custodians, etc.) I will provide additional training specific to my lab Describe 8. ALARAWhat precautions will you take to minimize exposures to your personnel from radiation during use or while in storage? Radionuclides will be used and/or stored:* behind shielding material in a separate room or area not frequented by personnel. in an approved hood for volatile radionuclides (see p. 5, paragraph 2, 3). by personnel wearing protective clothing (i.e. lab coat, disposable gloves, safety glasses, etc.). Other 9. Radioactive WasteWhat method(s) will be used to dispose of your radioactive wastes?* Separation (by nuclide & physical form) and packaging for pickup by the Radiation Safety Department (preferred). Decay (not recommended) Waste generation not anticipated. Other Building/Room Number* Specify* 10. Security/Supervision of Radioactive MaterialsHow will you secure radioactive materials when no radiation workers are in the lab?* Materials will be stored in a locked room, cabinet, refrigerator, or freezer (mandatory for stock vials). Room will be under direct supervision when radioactive materials are present or unsecured. Room or building will be locked when lab personnel are not present. Other Specify* How will you secure radioactive waste to prevent loss or theft? Waste container will be conspicuously marked, room will be locked. Waste will be stored in room not accessible to non-lab personnel. Physical barrier or system will be used. Other Waste will be stored in room not accessible to non-lab personnel room Number:* Physical barrier or system will be used (explain):* Other (specify):* 11. Radiation SurveysRadionuclide rooms will be surveyed every 30 days at a minimum. Additional surveys will be performed:* Post Use Other Specify* 12. Survey MetersWhat type of survey meter will you use to measure radiation count rates and/or exposure?* *GM survey meter *Scintillation meter Not applicable, sealed sources or 3H and/or 63Ni use only. *Other GM survey meter model/serial number:*ModelSerial Number Scintillation meter; model/SN:*Required if using 51Cr, 125I (except µCI amounts of bound iodine, i.e. RIA kits), etc.ModelSerial Number *Other (specify):* Survey instruments will be calibrated at least annually by:* Radiation Safety Department 13. Wipe SurveysWhat system will you use to count wipe survey samples?* Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC) Gamma Counting (AGC) Not Applicable (i.e. only sealed sources, leak tested by Radiation Safety). Other Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC)--Building/Room Number:* Gamma Counting (AGC)--Building/Room Number:* Other (specify):* Record Keeping* I will maintain monthly (every 30 days or less) lab surveys and have them available for inspection. I will keep all radiation-related records complete and up to date. Training and Experience Training received in basic radionuclide handling techniques *Duration of training must total a minimum of 40 hours. **Indicate either on-the-job (J) or formal course (C)--include applicable college coursework and the corresponding semesters/ credit hoursPrinciples and practices of radiation protection.*Where TrainedDuration* and Type** of Training Biological effects of Radiation.*Where TrainedDuration* and Type** of Training Basic calculations for radioactivity measurement and standardization.*Where TrainedDuration* and Type** of Training Instrumentation and monitoring techniques.*Where TrainedDuration* and Type** of Training Other (describe).*Where TrainedDuration* and Type** of Training Experience*Use of radionuclide instruments, etc.RadionuclideAverage Activity Used (mCi)Maximum Activity Used (mCi)Type of UseDuration Please type your name into the signature field below. In doing so you certify this form, agree to comply with its conditions, and accept responsibility for radiation safety in your lab.Signature: Date: MM slash DD slash YYYY Untitled CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.