Handling and Storing Radioactive Materials Form Handling and Storing Radioactive Materials form PI Name* First Last Please list the precautions you will take while working with radioactive materials to help ensure that radiation exposure (and consequent risk) will be As Low As Reasonably Achievable.*Always wear protective clothing (e.g. disposable gloves, lab coat, safety glasses) when handling radioactive materials. In addition to this standard equipment, the following may also be used in this lab:*Work in a fume hood if gas, vapor, dust, or aerosols can occur during the procedure. Common procedures done in this lab requiring use of a hood include:*Monitor the rooms where radioactivity is used or stored, and pay special attention to all areas which may come in contact with potentially contaminated hands, e.g. phones, door knobs, and refrigerator handles. Areas requiring close monitoring in this lab include:*Assume that containers labeled Caution - Radioactive Materials are also contaminated and wear disposable gloves when handling all such containers. Containers may be found in the following locations:*Radioactive materials must be secured or under constant surveillance to prevent unauthorized removal. Lock and secure stock vials when not in use. Our locking and security procedures are:*Employ the three basic safety principals of time, distance, and shielding when working with external hazards and employ good housekeeping techniques when using any radioactive material. Protections specific to this lab include:*Perform liquid radiation work on a non-porous tray which is capable of containing the entire volume of a liquid radioactive material in case it is spilled. Cover the work area with plastic-backed absorbent material. Lab procedures requiring such containment include:*Do not eat, drink, or perform other hand-to-mouth procedures (e.g. licking stamps or labels,applying makeup, etc) in any room or lab which has been posted Caution - Radioactive Materials. Do not mouth pipette. Do not bring personal belongings into the radioactive work areas of the lab. Avoid wearing rings, watches, and similar items during work. Wearing shorts or open-toed shoes is also not recommended. Do not work with radioactive materials if you have an open cut or wound. Do not store food or drink containers in the same location as radioactive materials. This particularly applies to refrigerators containing, or labeled as containing, radioactive materials. If issued a radiation dosimeter, wear it when working with radiation sources. When doing a new procedure, perform a "dry run" without radioactive materials to learn the procedure. Immediately after use or work with radioactive materials, wash hands then monitor them thoroughly. Monitor hands and clothing for radioactive contamination during and after work, especially before leaving the lab. If you are contaminated or suspect that you are contaminated, wash the contaminated area and re-monitor as necessary. Notify Radiation Safety of problems. Workers should be thoroughly familiar with the properties of the radionuclide(s) they are using. If you are uncertain about the safety of a procedure or have any questions about radioactivity, call Radiation Safety, 5-5000. In addition to the procedures listed above, the following additional precautions will be taken:*For a copy of this form, please print it from your browser now.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.