We are excited to announce that the former Engineering Technical Services Team has been renamed as the BioContainment Lab Services (BLS). This new name eliminates confusion with other engineering groups.
The BLS program develops and supports UW-Madison’s world-class campus facilities and specialized research equipment/systems through a wide variety of services that ensure oversight and federal compliance.
The Biocontainment Lab Services (BLS) program provides the technical knowledge and support to manage facility issues that impact campus health and safety. As new construction continues, buildings are increasingly more sophisticated and extremely demanding. Outside service contracts do not provide the level of oversight and accountability that the UW and EH&S deem necessary to maintain federal compliance.
The BLS program helps to develop and support educational opportunities to engineering co-op/internship students.
Visit our new website at https://ehs.wisc.edu/labs-research/biological-safety/biocontainment-lab-services/ We can also be reached at BioLabServices@fpm.wisc.edu.
It’s Biosafety and Biosecurity Month 2023! Look out for more biosafety topics each week in October.
Learn about the latest biological safety updates that impact labs like yours on the UW–Madison campus, and print the flyer to help spread the word.
Have a biosafety question? Need help? The UW-Madison Office of Biological Safety can assist you.
The UW-Madison Office of Biological Safety is a proud member of the American Biological Safety Association (ABSA).