Safe hygiene practices promote a culture of safety in the laboratory and build a foundation for research success. Proper hygiene can reduce contamination issues, the risk of release events, and exposure to biohazardous materials. Proper hygiene is recommended for all laboratory work, including BSL-1 activities.
Here is list of risky activities to avoid:
- Placing your cell phone on the lab bench.
- Touching your earbuds/headphones with gloves.
- Bringing food or drink in the laboratory (even if unopened). Food and drink are not allowed in the laboratory. This includes office spaces and desks located within the laboratory spaces.
- Applying cosmetics (e.g. lip balm, mascara, sunscreen) in the laboratory. Touching your face should be avoided during research activities.
- Vaping or smoking in the laboratory.
- Touching public areas (e.g. doorknobs, seating areas, elevators) with gloves. PPE should be removed prior to exiting the laboratory.
It’s Biosafety and Biosecurity Month 2024! Look out for more biosafety topics each week in October.
This year’s Biosafety Month theme is Innovative Science is Built on a Foundation of Safety.
Learn about the latest biological safety updates that impact labs like yours on the UW–Madison campus, and print the flyer to help spread the word.
Have a biosafety question? Need help? The UW-Madison Office of Biological Safety is ready to serve you!
The UW-Madison Office of Biological Safety is a proud member of the American Biological Safety Association (ABSA).