A radiation dosimeter or badge does not provide protection but detects and measures radiation that you have been exposed to. The badge will detect high-energy beta, gamma or x-ray radiation.
Within the UW Health dosimetry account there are 93 sub-accounts, 1,343 participants, and 1,957 badges.
Information Found On Dosimeters
Sydney Larrabee
Dosimetry Program Coordinator
Phone: 608-957-5876
Lisa Russell
Pregnancy Surveillance Program Coordinator
Phone: 608-287-8222
Office of Radiation Safety
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To assign or unassign a participant from a sub-account. Their recorded dose information stays with Landauer.
Badge Group Leader
An assigned individual that works within a unit that has a sub-account. They work closely with the dosimetry program coordinator ensuring the participants are up to date within their sub-account. At the beginning of a wear period they receive and distribute new/unused dosimeters to participants. At the end of a wear period they collect and return old/used dosimeters to the Dosimetry Program Coordinator.
Dosimeter(s) mailed in a sub-account package for detecting radiation while in route through USPS. Receive and return all controls with participant dosimeters.
The amount of radiation an individual is exposed to.
A radiation dosimeter is a device that measures dose uptake of external ionizing radiation. It is worn by the person being monitored when used as a personal dosimeter and is a record of the radiation dose received.
Radiation dosimetry in the fields of health physics and radiation protection is the measurement, calculation and assessment of the ionizing radiation dose absorbed by an object, usually the human body.
The vendor hired to maintain all information for the dosimetry program. (myldr.com)
An individual that is assigned and receives a dosimeter(s) from Landauer. The dose from their returned/used dosimeters are calculated and recorded into the Landauer system.
Pregnancy Surveillance Program/Fetal Monitoring
This program is voluntary and confidential. Participants can go to: https://ehs.wisc.edu/declaration-of-pregnancy-form/ to fill the form out. Submitted forms go to the pregnancy surveillance program coordinator.
Spare Dosimeters
A spare dosimeter will be prepared for a new participant so they may begin working before their normal one arrives from Landauer on their first wear date. Spares are also prepared for participants that may lose theirs during a wear period (e-mail the dosimetry program coordinator to request one).
Sub-Account Name
A name assigned to an individual department/unit to identify their dosimeters. E.g.: “Nuclear Medicine”
Sub-Account Code
The code given to an individual Sub-Account Name. E.g.: “NM”
Wear Period/Frequency
The amount of time a dosimeter(s) is worn by a participant. There are monthly (01/01/2020 – 01/31/2020) and quarterly wear periods (01/01/2020 – 03/31/2020).
The Life Cycle (Monthly/Quarterly Dosimeters)
Before a dosimeter can be prepared for a new radiation worker, have the applicant complete the following:
Radiation Safety Training (instructions below)
- Log into U-Connect, go to “Quick Links”
- . Go to “U-Learn” under “General Links”
- Click the magnifying glass in the upper right corner
- Search for “UW001409”
- Register and launch “Radiation Safety-Dosimetry”
- Take and pass the short quiz at the end of the training
Fill out the application at: https://ehs.wisc.edu/dosimetry-application-form-uw-health/
Let your applicant know what department, unit, sub-account name, sub-account code, and who the badge group leader is so they make the correct choice on the application
The Fine Print
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You will receive dosimeters for participants in your sub-account in a Landauer bag. NOTE: Check the packing list against the badges as soon as you receive the package. Be sure everyone listed on the packing list has a dosimeter. If there are any missing, notify the dosimetry program coordinator.
Hand out all new/unused dosimeters to participants on the first day of the wear period.
Retrieve all old/used dosimeters from participants from the last wear period. NOTE: Ideally everyone will have their dosimeter ready to hand back to you. Do not be surprised if extra effort is necessary to retrieve some of them.
Place dosimeters in the bag that was in your original package, in an inter-d envelope, or bag and return all old/used dosimeters from participants back to the dosimetry program coordinator via drop box (see maps below), medical inter-d mail or USPS. NOTE: For sanitary purposes, please do not put individual dosimeters in the drop boxes.
Unreturned Dosimeters
The dosimetry program coordinator will inform you of unreturned dosimeters in the form of e-mail. Unreturned dosimeters cost the program money. This also creates problems because if the dosimeters are not read by Landauer we do not know if participants had high readings or even over exposures. Please make it a high priority to return all dosimeters. Quarterly e-mail reminders will be sent to badge group leaders to inform them of the unreturned dosimeters. If the dosimeters are lost, please have each participant fill out the Lost Badge Form found at: https://ehs.wisc.edu/dose-estimate-for-lost-radiation-dosimeter/
Devise a Plan
Work together with co-workers in your unit to come up with an organized plan that works well for your group in the distribution and collection of dosimeters.
Distribution of Annual 5 Forms
Reports are run yearly for participants that were exposed to .1 mrem or greater. Reports will be delivered/mailed to badge group leaders for distribution to participants.
Sub-Account Changes and Questions
Questions and changes to your sub-account can be directed to the Dosimetry Program Coordinator: lisa.russell@wisc.edu Do not contact Landauer.
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“One of my participants lost their dosimeter”
Have the participant go to: https://ehs.wisc.edu/dose-estimate-for-lost-radiation-dosimeter/ to fill out the Lost Badge Form.
“One of my participants would like to check their dose record”
Have the participant go to: https://ehs.wisc.edu/labs-research/radiation-safety/dosimetry/ and scroll to the middle of the dosimetry website page.
Follow the instructions under “VIEW YOUR DOSE HISTORY”.
“How do I deactivate one of my participants that no longer requires a dosimeter?”
Provide the following information to the Dosimetry Program Coordinator at lisa.russell@wisc.edu
1. Participant name
2. Sub-account code
3. Date leaving/left
“I have too many dosimeter clip holders, what should I do with them?”
Return any extra clip holders with used dosimeters at the end of a wear period via drop box or campus mail.
“One of my female participants just told me she is pregnant”
Have her fill out the Declaration of Pregnancy Form found at: https://ehs.wisc.edu/declaration-of-pregnancy-form/ The form will automatically go to the Pregnancy Surveillance Program Coordinator. The participant will be contacted to discuss radiation exposure during her pregnancy. A monthly fetal dosimeter will be assigned for the duration of gestation.
“Do I contact Landauer or the Dosimetry Program Coordinator?”
Always contact the Dosimetry Program Coordinator to make changes to your sub-account. Also, if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
Dosimetry Return Drop Box Locations
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