Radiation Shielding


The Office of Radiation Safety has a wide range of shielding available free of charge for our researchers.  It is important to know the emission spectra of the materials with which you work so that you can make prudent decisions about the type of shielding to use.

Even if we don’t have exactly what you need, it could be useful to test our items in order to help you order the right items. Below are a handful of companies we have worked with in the past who provide off-the-shelf and custom shielding products.

Atlantic Nuclearhttps://www.atnuke.com/nuclear/shielding.html – A small company that focuses on supplies and services for the health physics and medical physics field. They have a number of popular off-the-shelf shielding products.

MarShieldhttps://marshield.com/ – A large North American company who specializes in any type of radiation shielding including affordable custom jobs.  Beyond providing shielding for the normal γ, x-ray, and β emitters, MarShield has a number of neutron shielding products as well. [source for image above]

Universal Medicalhttps://www.universalmedicalinc.com/all-products/radiation-protection.html – Universal Medical sells the usual products as well as lead personal protective equipment (or radiation protecting items (RPI)) such as aprons or gloves.  If using pieces RPI, please contact ORS so that we can perform periodic testing to ensure cracks or tears are not present which would deteriorate the shielding effectiveness.

Please feel free to contact your health physicist or RadiationSafety@wisc.edu for more information.  We would be happy to have you stop by to take a look for yourself or we can deliver it straight to your lab.


The shielding available from ORS includes plexiglass shielding for high energy β emitters as well as lead shielding for x-ray and γ emitters.