Biohazardous waste: What happens after it leaves your facility?

Do you use Madison Environmental Resourcing, Inc. (MERI) as a disposal method for your biohazardous waste? Do you ever wonder how they process the waste?

MERI uses an environmentally safe process of microwave technology that heats materials and inactivates pathogens present.  Once treated, the material looks like confetti and is reduced in volume by 80%.

MERI has an animated video to show the process of medical waste going into the microwave unit, where it is shredded, injected with steam, and then microwaved. Cradle to Grave Animation – YouTube

You can also find helpful guidance, including  a document on proper packaging

If you are unsure whether biohazardous waste in your building is picked up by MERI (for disposal as medical waste) or by Waste Management (for disposal in the landfill as trash) after autoclaving, please check with your building manager.

If you need to request the emptying or replacement of a large MERI bin from a building loading dock, please use this request form:

Questions? Please reach out to biosafety at Phone: 608-263-2037

We are here to help!

"Biosafety Month 2023 @ UW-Madison" lettering on white, red, and dark blue background with illustration of a person in hazmat suit, microorganism with spikes, empty jar, and safety glasses
Visit and check back each week in October for more Biosafety Briefs

It’s Biosafety and Biosecurity Month 2023! Look out for more biosafety topics each week in October.

Learn about the latest biological safety updates that impact labs like yours on the UW–Madison campus, and print the flyer to help spread the word.

Have a biosafety question? Need help? The UW-Madison Office of Biological Safety can assist you.

The UW-Madison Office of Biological Safety is a proud member of the American Biological Safety Association (ABSA).