Do you ever need to work alone in the lab?
Individuals working with hazardous materials or performing hazardous tasks ordinarily should not work alone. If a lab member must work alone (for example, after hours or in a laboratory space with restricted access), the laboratory should perform a risk assessment of the work area, materials, and activities to identify any potential or existing hazards and implement risk mitigation.
Check out newly developed considerations for working alone in a laboratory.
It’s Biosafety and Biosecurity Month 2023! Look out for more biosafety topics each week in October.
Learn about the latest biological safety updates that impact labs like yours on the UW–Madison campus, and print the flyer to help spread the word.
Have a biosafety question? Need help? The UW-Madison Office of Biological Safety can assist you.
The UW-Madison Office of Biological Safety is a proud member of the American Biological Safety Association (ABSA).