The federal government released a new policy and implementation guidance for research involving Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC) and Pathogens with Enhanced Pandemic Potential (PEPP) in May 2024. This new U.S. Government Policy for Oversight of Dual Use Research of Concern and Pathogens with Enhanced Pandemic Potential supersedes the 2012 and 2014 DURC USG Policies and the 2017 HHS P3CO Framework, beginning on May 6, 2025.
The new policy is a unified federal oversight framework for the oversight of certain types of federally funded life sciences research involving biological agents and toxins. This policy addresses oversight of research on biological agents and toxins that, when enhanced, have the potential to pose risks to public health, agriculture, food security, economic security, or national security.
As a result, the University of Wisconsin-Madison must review all research potentially subject to the USG Policy for Oversight of DURC and PEPP to determine whether it meets the criteria outlined in the policy for Category 1 (DURC) or Category 2 (PEPP) research. The USG Policy for Oversight of DURC and PEPP covers a list of biological agents and toxins that includes Select Agents and Toxins and many Risk Group 3 pathogens; however, the University of Wisconsin – Madison does not limit its review to just those agents and toxins.
It is the Principal Investigator’s (PI) responsibility to determine whether proposed or ongoing research may require DURC or PEPP oversight. If you work with any of the listed agents or toxin OR your research could result in any of the DURC experimental outcomes or a PEPP, complete this form. A separate form must be completed for each grant or project proposal.
If you are in need of DURC training click here to fill out the DURC Training Request Form .
New Federal Policy
New UW Policy:
Dual Use Research of Concern and Pathogens with Enhanced Pandemic Potential
Christina Pier
Institutional Contact for Dual Use Research (ICDUR)
Phone: 608-890-4951
TJ Whyte
Select Agent and DURC Compliance Specialist
Phone: 608-712-5165
PI Assessment Form for Category 1 (DURC) or Category 2 (PEPP) Research
Notification of DURC Training Form
DURC PEPP Training Coming Soon