A. Theft or loss of any ionizing radiation source:
- Notify the Radiation Safety Office (ORS) immediately
B. Accidents which involve radioactive material dusts, mists, fumes, vapors or gases:
- Turn off all fans, evacuate the room immediately, and close the door
- Contact ORS as soon as safely possible
C. Fires or Explosions Involving Radioactive Materials:
- Activate the building fire alarm and call 911
- Notify other persons in the immediate area and evacuate
- Contact ORS as soon as safely possible
D. Minor (microcurie or small volume) spill if:
Activity of 100 μCi or less, AND
Beta/gamma emitter only, AND
Spill does not occur in unrestricted/public area
- Contact ORS if uncomfortable continuing
- Advise others and restrict access to the area
- Utilize proper PPE to stop the spill
- Confine the spill with absorbent material
- Check for contamination using appropriate meter, begin to decontaminate with commercial solution, working from outside of the spill towards the inside, to avoid the spread of contamination
- Check all persons for contamination
- Retain all materials used for decontamination
E. Major (millicuries or high volume) Spill If:
More than 100 μCi of beta/gamma emitter, OR
Any activity of alpha emitter, OR
Spill occurs in unrestricted/public area
- You must contact ORS as soon as safely possible
- Advise others and restrict access to the area
- Involved parties must remain present until ORS arrives
- Utilize proper PPE to stop the spill
- Confine the spill with absorbent material
- Check all persons for contamination using an appropriate meter
- ORS will direct cleanup efforts
- Retain all materials used for decontamination
F. Personal Contamination
Radioactive material on personal clothing
Radioactive material on body (hair, skin, eyes, etc)
Intake of radioactive material (injection, inhalation, ingestion, or absorption)
- You must contact ORS as soon as safely possible
- If spill is on clothing, remove contaminated clothing, as appropriate
- If skin is contaminated immediately wash with mild soap and water, careful not to abrade skin
- If eyes are contaminated, use eye wash for 15 minutes minimum
- For serious injury, assist the injured person and seek medical attention
- Retain all material used for decontamination
- Involved parties must remain present until ORS arrives
Contact in case of radiation incident
During normal business hours (7:45 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday)
After normal business hours 911 (from a campus phone if possible)